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Alternate Events

In Facility Schedule, you can create an Alternate Event when there is a change to the details of a particular event date on a schedule that has already been activated. An Alternate Event allows you to make a change to the location, room, time, or date of a single event within a schedule. This is usually done after the schedule has been activated. *Note: If a change needs to be made to a schedule that is still inactive, you may be able to simply change the details on the schedule form without using an Alternate Event.


       Bright Idea:

When an alternate event is created for a schedule that has not been activated, the schedule will be treated as an active schedule. This means certain items on the schedule, such as the room and event time, will be locked in and cannot be changed. The schedule, however, can be canceled and a new one entered using the Renew feature.

How to Create an Alternate Event within a Schedule

  • Pull up an activated schedule. You can do this by typing the schedule number into the Search for box and then click Go. This will take you to the Update Schedule screen.
  • Hover your mouse over the Shortcuts menu and then click on Events. This link takes you to the Events section at the bottom of the schedule.
  • Click on the Event Date displayed in red. You are now on the Event Details page.



  • Click on the Alternate Event Location/Date/Time button.
  • Edit the information that needs to be changed for that date. (Location, Room, Time, etc.)
  • Click Save.

How to Create an Alternate Event through the Calendar

  • Click on the Calendar tab.
  • Select the Location from the drop down menu then click on the Refresh Calendar button.
  • Find and click on the Event Title. You are now on the Event Details page.
  • Click on the Alternate Event Location/Date/Time button.
  • Edit the information that needs to be changed for that date. (Location, Room, Time, etc.)
  • Click Save.